Saturday, November 14, 2015

Another season comes to an end...

Greetings ghouls and ghoulettes,

I had every intention of posting more mid-season but we were "all systems go" and I barely slept as it was.  We were happy to see so many familiar faces back again but we were equally pleased to meet new patrons that had trekked from distances as far as Pennsylvania.  It always makes the hard work worth it when we hear back the positives reviews and rest assured there are more new things to come for the 2016 season.  Until the next time...sleep with one eye open.

-B. Wiard

Friday, August 21, 2015

Home Stretch...

Greetings from Camp Chaos,

The season is nearly upon us and it has been an intense spring/summer preparing to bring you new chills and thrills for fall
2015.  Our "Hayride Of The Lost" (which was named the #8 Haunted Hayride in the USA by Hauntworld Magazine) has had major renovations and the "wow" factor is turned up to 11.  I would tell you more but I have to go build some coyotes and wire up a giant snake.

All part of a normal day here at Night Terrors.  Until next time...  -B. Wiard